Monday, November 06, 2006

Oneheart Pipe

The Heart to Heart

Connection to Break the Spell of Division

The RETURN to the Oneness is as INEVITABLE as what Creator’s One Law constitutes: “the seed is in the tree and the tree is in the seed”. The decisive factor is HOW.

This “how” depends on the Answer we must give to the Last Question: “to BE or not to BE”. The drama of the “tree stage” required us to identify ourselves by who we are NOT, the temporary or illusory. Our true being is Eternal and is centred in our HEART.

The “not to BE” is today identified by a nationality, passport, drivers licence, social security number, money, status, race, religion and even by tradition. All of them have the purpose to educate and test the Warrior, who ultimately must defeat the enemy WITHIN. If one of the identities is the one that can show who we truly are… then it certainly does not go deep enough in the past to connect us with the SOURCE that we have in Common. So, by not Remembering who we truly are we get ourselves stuck in the past by playing out the transpired drama in our mental and emotional makeup. Today’s extreme painful and cruel dramas are the result of the inability to identify the true Self or the “to BE” within the context of the Eternal or Oneness, because the mindset is rather listened to, to keep us within a limited hologram where the temporary can be satisfied.

So a strong Medicine is needed to break the SPELL of division. The Courage of the True Warrior must be applied for entering the last and decisive battle Within. Within it is, because the ONE who has the Power to Unconditionally Win is Within. This ONE is within each one of us! So, the outer battles can NEVER bring us to lasting victory, peace and freedom, because inferior powers are used to satisfy the “wandering mind”. By it we cannot feel Free by where we ARE, the “to BE”. Conquest in the outer is then seen as the solution to find in another that what we lack inside of us. The irony that it produces is that the find is then destroyed instead of making it a COMPLEMETARY part of us. The outer has a Prize/condition. The ONE Within is Priseless/unconditional. Humanity finds itself trapped within its own preference of that what is inferior above that what Eternally Lasts. This Lasting ONE does Not Divide in whatsoever terms. Let this be the Mirror that we are for each other!

Each one of us chose to be part of the Experiment (but forgot), having different unique roles… to find out what it takes to Master the Duality trough the Human Potential; each one in its own capacity. The bravest ones got the most painful roles to act out. Well, the good news is… “it has been a success”… thus the Experiment is OVER! There is no need to dwell on that what has transpired. The Painful Lessons must teach us how the INEVITABLE RETURN can be made by CHOICE. This is the last chance to let our intelligence excel in favour of the Unavoidable. Otherwise Nature will do it for us… Her Way. Let the Heroes come forth under the Banner of Creation that’s symbolised by the Cross within the Circle. The cross divides, the circle unites. Together they become the PORTAL of PEACE!

Now we must WAKE UP and know that TOGETHER we are the ONE we have been waiting for! Only with the Heart to Heart Connection can the Drama have a HAPPY END, because the Heart is the Plaza where all opposites meet as ONE!

The Oneheart Medicine
The “Oneheart Pipe” and the Hopi blue corn
for the Healing of the World

A cycle of Consciousness is coming to completion and the following initiative can greatly contribute to the Global Realisation that ALL IS ONE. The great global conquest by the West, that Spain was very much part of, constituted the first part of the cycle. This has also invoked the wounds of the Americas and the process thereof. A Medicine is still needed that must come from the Heart. The Pipe, honoured throughout the Americas (as described below) can therefore help with the healing beyond Spain and the Americas. It is more than symbolic. It is a simple and tangible way to make the Heart to Heart connection, for the union of the pipe bowl and pipe stem signify the meeting of Heaven and Earth within the Heart. Now we must transcend the “two-dimensional treaties” by which the common-boundary/limit has been politically managed. Only the ones with a Heart can break this spell! The spell of division will be broken when the unfulfilled past is resolved by using our Power from where we are Now, where LOVE can radiate from the HEART. Therefore Love and Heart share the same symbol. As such the Pipe has been held sacred by the first people of the Americas. The smoking of it in the sacred manner also signifies forgiveness.

It was with the creation of the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel (108 stones), build at the West-side of Spain’s sacred mountain Jalana (X’alima) that a most powerful Medicine has been initiated. This region (Sierra de Gata) was at earlier days the bastion of Spain’s conquistadores, who were also responsible for the infliction of the great wounds of the Americas. The Healing will lead to the prophetic union of the “Condor (South) and the Eagle (North)” (symbolising the Oneness of Heart and Mind). As such the Consciousness can come about for the fulfilment of the PLAN that brought us to Earth. Then the aspects of universal disorientation, confusion and conflict can be reduced to nil, too…so that we can safely go by “listen to the Heart and trust the Mind”.

The central Fire of the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel was lit by the Women who kept it alive for 20 days. Afterwards 20 Eagles (3 Imperial Eagles among them) were seen circling between the Medicine Wheel and the Mountain. This Heavenly sign went along with the creation of a sacred Pipe Bowl (the “Oneheart Pipe”), made from the root of the olive tree that once grew at the centre of the Medicine Wheel.

The inspiration that then came was to create a Medicine to heal the wounds of the World, in the following manner:
∑ The Pipe Bowl will travel throughout Spain along with a tobacco container in which a small amount of pure tobacco will be added, each time upon the blessing of the Pipe Bowl by Individuals who resonate to Spain’s ancestry.
∑ Afterwards the Pipe Bowl will be offered to the Hopi in Arizona, whose acceptance has to be confirmed with them to make a fitting Pipe Stem. Then they have to mix the Hopi tobacco with the Tobacco from Spain, later to be smoked in all the Kivas at Hopiland.
∑ The completed Pipe must then travel throughout the Americas, from North to South. Meanwhile tobacco will be added to the original mixture, each time during a “Oneheart Pipe” ceremony.
∑ Upon completion of the Americas’ tour the Pipe will travel back to Spain, confirming that the Medicine has been applied on one side of the wound. Yes, Spain got injured too…much deeper…that’s why the Medicine has to be initiated from Spain, symbolising the first and last enemy who is Within. So, let’s have the purification come from the East to the West and finally have the Four Directions unite in our Heart. All is ONE. Love in the form of Forgiveness is a most needed Medicine and this is the essence of the “Oneheart Pipe”. Moreover, it requires the Inner-power to be able to Forgive. Thus the “Oneheart Pipe” serves the Individual (means “indivisible-two) to be Self-realised. It is a great honour for Spain to initiate this Oneheart Medicine. The Conquest is not over yet!
∑ So, this is the “first round”. Then the People of Spain can offer the “Oneheart Pipe” to the People of other Nations, to complete their Healing-cycle in a similar manner. England, Holland, Portugal, France, etc. . The final outcome could not be other than the major shift of Consciousness, from Division into Oneness.
∑ Of course, Great Spirit has a Plan too… Thus we must be open to what and how this all can possibly change in the process. Meanwhile it is important that we continue to pray that, at the end it will all come to the total Healing of the World. The Healing would be confirmed with the “Union of the Condor and the Eagle”, made apparent with Humanity’s Return to the Natural Order that’s centred around Creator’s Law (Change, the Eternal Constant).

Afterwards the Hopi Blue Corn was planted next to the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel. The planting day began with the greeting by the Sun, around which a halo appeared, along with two Eagles circling overhead. Later an out of season rain/lightning/thunder drenched the soil to lift up the corn at its critical stage during the drought. Now the corn is flowering and a few cobs are peeking out. One cob with the “East-West Hopi corn seeds” will be part of the Medicine on its way to the Americas and later around the World. This corn has the original memory and is specifically that of the Heart. It has also the memory of the ongoing Hopi ceremonies of many centuries, and universal teachings, plus the memory of the journey around the world in search of the Purifier.

Also the sacred connection between the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel and Mt. Jalana was confirmed. The intent was to place at the mountain a stone that was dug up from beneath the Medicine Wheel. The “right spot” for the deposit was a large rock formation that showed the configuration of a cross. At the centre of the cross there was a hole that went throughout from East to West, pointing into the direction of the Medicine wheel. After the stone’s deposit in the hole it was noticed that in front of it there was a one foot large stone, perfectly heart shaped. This “heart-stone” was later placed next to the Circle of Hearts Medicine Wheel. If this isn’t “Big Medicine” then what is. So, LOVE is the Medicine!

Focus: “TOGETHER we are the ONE we have been waiting for”!

1. This is a Heart to Heart initiative and must not be mixed with any form of politics.
2. The Hopi corn came to completion and was harvested by nine people on the sunny day of Friday October 27th 2006. Afterwards nine Eagles were seen circling overhead.

If this Medicine Message has touched your Heart, you are welcome to come with the tobacco to do the blessing. When you do so, you have also committed to inspire others to do the same. As such a true “bloodless Oneheart Revolution” takes place, that will in the end add up to the realisation of the greatest Miracle of the Universe…World Peace. The Universe has been watching you as you have been reading this Message. Now we must Remember that ALL IS ONE and do our very best, to fulfil our part of the Plan that brought us to Earth.

Unconditional Love
by a Hopi

You are unique - different from all others. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you to be in the world as you are without a thought or word of judgement from me. I see no error in the things you may say and do, feel and believe since I understand that you are honouring yourself by being and doing what is true to you. I cannot walk life through your eyes nor see it through your heart. I have not been where you have been and experienced what you have experienced, viewing life from your unique angle.

I appreciate you exactly as you are, being your own unique spark of the Infinite consciousness, seeking to find your own individual way to relate to the world. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you every choice to learn in the way you feel is right for you. It is vital that you be your own person and not someone that I or others think you 'should' be. To the best of my ability, without denigrating or compromising myself in any way, and I will support you in that.

I cannot know what is for your highest good, what is true for you or what youneed since I do not know what you have chosen to learn, how you have chosen to learn it, with whom or in what time period. Only you can feel your inner excitement and hear your inner voice - I only have my own.

I acknowledge that, though they may be different to each other, the many ways To perceive and experience the various facets of our world are all valid. Without reservation or hesitation, I allow the choices you make in each moment. I make no judgement of this for it is imperative that I honour your right to your individual evolution, because it empowers that right for myself and all others.

To those who would choose a way I cannot or would not walk, whilst I may not choose to add my power and my energy to that way, I will never deny you the gift of love that God has bestowed within me, for all creation. As I love you, so shall I be loved. As I sow, so shall I reap.

Without reservation or hesitation, I allow you the universal right of free will to walk your own path, creating steps or sitting still if and when you feel it is right for you. I cannot always see the higher picture of Divine Order and so I will make no judgement that your steps are large or small, nor light or heavy or that they lead up or down, for that would just be my viewpoint. Though I may see you do nothing and judge it to be unworthy, I acknowledge that you may be the one who brings great healing as you stand calm, blessed by the Light of God.

For it is the inalienable right of all life to choose their own evolution, and without reservation or hesitation I acknowledge your right to determine your own future. In humility, I bow to the realisation that the way I see as best for me does not have to mean that it is also right for you, that what I believe is not necessarily true for you. I know that you are led as I am, following your inner excitement to know your own path.

I know that the many races, religions, customs, nationalities and beliefs within our world bring us great richness and allow us the benefits and teachings of such diverseness. I know we each learn in our own unique way in order to bring that love and wisdom back to the whole. I understand that if there were only one way to do something, there would need only be one person.

I will appreciate your unique inner light whether or not you behave in a way I think you should or believe in those things I believe in. I understand you are truly my brother and my sister, though you may have been born in a different place and believe in different ideals.

The love I feel is for absolutely all that is. I know that every living thing Is a part of one consciousness and I feel a love deep within for every person, animal, tree, stone and flower, every bird, river and ocean and for all that is in all the world.

I live my life in loving service, being the best me I can, becoming wiser in The perfection of Divine Truth, becoming happier, healthier and increasingly abundant and joyous.

Though along the way I may like you, feel indifferent towards you, or dislike you, I will not stop loving you - honouring your uniqueness and allowing you to be you. That is the key to peace and harmony in our lives and around our Earth since it is the capstone of Unconditional Love.


Blogger Dr. Al Carroll said...

From a Hopi elder, a warning on Roy Steevenz AKA "Roy Littlesun"

First and foremost Roy arrived at Hotevilla, Third Mesa, Hopi Traditional Homeland, with no background and no cultural understanding. He arrived with a personal plan and agenda which did not take into consideration the lives and dignity of the Hopi people. This demonstrated to me that regardless of his "spiritual" and "macrobiotic" front, he was a rather racist, ignorant and egotistical man. Little did he know, due to his own blindness, that everyone in the community could see him for what he was from the beginning. However, as is often the case, self-serving persons in the community gave him a foot-hold whereby he could maintain his spot in Hopi for a long time. The damage he did was intense. Again, his very ignorance of Hopi, blinded him to the foolish and sacriligious things he did and said. First, if he had had the humility to listen to the Hopi he would have been aware that he was disregarding them and exhibiting blatant blasphemy and distain. He essentially tried to set up his own peculiar "religion", collect funds and followers right on Hopi land. This is about like some nut walking into a Catholic Church and proceeding to perform his own services at the altar and proclaiming himself the Pope if not Christ Jesus himself.

The Hopi have become accustomed to odd-balls and quacks over many years of observation. Roy was a rare phenomena. He was too rude to depart when asked. It is commonly accepted that the Hopi name for themselves is translated "peaceful people". Actually, the closer and more correct translation is "the polite people" or "the people of good manners." This would include having the manners not to stay where you are not wanted. A person of good manners does not walk into another's home and proceed to give orders, criticism and moral instruction.

I will state that the man is ignorant, disrespectful, dictatorial, a fraud, dangerous to vulnerable people, a liar, a hypocrite, a blasphemer, a phony, a cultural thief and abuser. Closer to Hitler than to any indigenous concept of Holy Man or Spokesperson. I hope he is soon stopped from using the name of Hopi in any way.

Hazel Hatnenn

3:17 PM  

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